tons produced daily

A range of over
100 products

Premium quality
100% Made in Romania
The way we have developed and the investments we have made over time place us in the top of the profile companies in Romania, aligned to European standards, being the producers of superior quality products.
With natural ingredients and without allergens, packaged with modern technology.
Processed in conditions of maximum hygiene and food safety.
Over 30 years of experience and continuous development
Measures against COVID-19
In order to guarantee your safety and to continue our production activity, we have applied a series of supplementary measures and have implemented the recommendations given by the Ministry of Health regarding handling the hygienic-sanitary risk, as well as a set of supplementary measures for preventing the spread of COVID-19
Încă de la primul caz de infectare cu COVID-19 apărut în România, am activat o echipă de criză, responsabilă pentru implementarea și monitorizarea măsurilor de protecție și prevenție împotriva COVID – 19.
The set of measures has been implemented immediately in all working points, regarding not only the personnel’s activity, but also the entirety of the food chain covered by our products.