CIA ABOLIV S.R.L. announces those interested about submitting the application for issuing the environmental agreement for the project “Increasing the capacity of the integrated food chain and developing a new product within the company SC CIA ABOLIV SRL”, the sub-measure 4.2 : support for investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products, PNDR 2014-2020, proposed to be built in Mihai Viteazu commune, Mihai Viteazu village, Reformată street, no. 987, Cluj County.
The information regarding the proposed project can be consulted at the headquarters of the Agency for Environmental Protection Cluj, from Cluj-Napoca, str. Calea Dorobanţilor, no. 99, and at the owner’s headquarters: Cluj county, Mihai Viteazu commune, Mihai Viteazu village, Morii street, no. 99A, on Mondays-Fridays between 9.00-14.00.
The public’s observations are received daily at the headquarters of the Agency for Environmental Protection Cluj, str. Calea Dorobanţilor, no. 99, Cluj County.